The goal of department based services is to provide work units and colleagues the opportunity to learn about health and wellness as a group activity or exploration.This type of shared learning can lead to establishing a more supportive, health-oriented workplace environment, one in which colleagues encourage and support each other to eat well, engage in movement and fitness activities, attend to emotional and physical health interests and needs and pay attention to issues associated with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Any Health4U Program focus area can be explored as a Departmental Service topic. To learn more about how we can work with you and your team to develop a departmental services focused program contact the Health4U Program. We look forward to working with you and your team.          

Bring Health4U to your department to talk about issues related to alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs.

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Let Health4U brings emotional wellness education to your work team.

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Providing opportunities to learn about food and eating from a nutrition expert.
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This departmental service brings a 6-week suite of health-focused classes to requesting units of MSU.
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Food and Nutrition Counseling Services

Food and Nutrition Counseling Services provides you with access to accurate health and lifestyle information, helping you to explore new behaviors and skills, and identifying useful campus and community resources.

MSU community members eligible for food and nutrition counseling services include faculty, staff, graduate assistants, retirees and the spouses/partners of members of these groups.

To schedule an appointment with Health4U you are not required to email us from your MSU email address; please email us from the email address you are most comfortable with. 

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Departmental Services

The goal of department based services is to provide work units and colleagues the opportunity to learn about health and wellness as a group activity or exploration.  

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