There is so much information "out there" on exercise, fitness and movement it can be challenging to determine what to pay attention to and what to let go. MSU Moves is dedicated to providing you access to current, evidence-informed information you can use to further your understanding of exercise, fitness and movement and to encourage your continuing engagement with this key health and lifestyle area.          

Move @ Work

Work a Desk Job? Watch Your Back: How to avoid pain and set yourself up for success

If you spend lots of time sitting at work, take steps to protect yourself from pain and discomfort with these practical tips


In March 2020, as life started shutting down around us, I knew that my professional limits were about to be tested unlike anything previously.

Science of Movement

Want a better night’s sleep? Get Moving!

The connection between exercise and sleep is very real. This article examines current research, and how your everyday activities may be influencing sleep patterns.

Science of Movement

Physical Literacy: The Foundation for a Life of Movement

Early development of physical literacy is linked to future success in sport and activity participation. In the long run, establishing active habits in children sets them on the path to happier and healthier lives.

Move @ Work

Employee Athletes Get The Job Done For MSU

Regardless of your role and the setting that you work in, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself on the job.

Move @ Work

Embracing Incidental Activity

Lots of people struggle to find time for exercise, and that's normal. By choosing to embrace the movement demands of our everyday lives, we can become more active and improve overall health.

Fun Fitness

It's Winter. Time to Get Out and Go For a Run!

Book Review: Running is My Therapy: Relieve Stress and Anxiety, Fight Depression, Ditch Bad Habits, and Live Happier

Fun Fitness

Embrace the Elements and Get Outside this Winter

With a little planning and a good attitude, you can stay active outside this winter- and actually enjoy it!

Science of Movement

Bend, Not Break: The Importance of Maintaining Flexibility

You may not think about it often, but flexibility impacts our everyday lives. Learn more about the physiology of flexibility and why you should consider making stretching part our your routine.

Science of Movement

A Brief Guide to the Body's Aerobic System

Aerobic exercise is a cornerstone of physical wellness. Learn more about the function of the aerobic system and the role it plays in supporting good health.

Science of Movement

Strength Training: Lift Your Way to Better Health

If your workout doesn’t include strength training, you’re missing out. Strength training can ward off age-related muscle loss, keep your bones strong, promote mobility and function, and even help combat depression and cognitive decline.

Fun Fitness

Join Team MSU for the 2018 Capital City River Run Half Marathon/5K Corporate Challenge, Receive Free Personalized Coaching!

Want to walk or run your first 5k? How about achieving a new PR in the Half-Marathon? Whatever your goal or fitness level, MSU Moves can help you get there!

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Food and Nutrition Counseling Services

Food and Nutrition Counseling Services provides you with access to accurate health and lifestyle information, helping you to explore new behaviors and skills, and identifying useful campus and community resources.

MSU community members eligible for food and nutrition counseling services include faculty, staff, graduate assistants, retirees and the spouses/partners of members of these groups.

To schedule an appointment with Health4U you are not required to email us from your MSU email address; please email us from the email address you are most comfortable with. 

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Departmental Services

The goal of department based services is to provide work units and colleagues the opportunity to learn about health and wellness as a group activity or exploration.  

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Health e-Guide

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