Alcohol, Nicotine, and Drug Information (ANDI): Providing evidence based information about the health related factors involved in the use of these substances.
ANDI stands for Alcohol, Nicotine, and Drug Information. We know that nearly 70% of adults employed at MSU use alcohol, as much as 20% use tobacco, and 8% use recreational drugs of some kind. These are substances that many people find enjoyable, but each pose some health risk to the user.
This section of the site was created to identity alcohol, nicotine, and drug use as issues pertaining to the health and well-being of the entire MSU community, not just students. Use of these substances is just one of many health factors that we focus on, but it is one that is often overlooked in favor of discussions about stress management or nutrition. But, it is one that potentially could have a significant impact on health status, both in the short and long term.
Recent Articles

Explore ANDI
An assortment of non-judgemental, evidence-based articles exploring health factors associated with alcohol, nicotine, and drug use.
Meet with a Health4U ANDI coach to explore your personal relationship with alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs.
Courses to help participants explore their relationship with alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs.
Resources available to you right now to help you explore your use of substances.
Bring Health4U to your department to talk about issues related to alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs.