Having regular and reliable meals is a great way of providing good nutrition for health and wellness.   Planning for enjoyable food makes meals or snacks pleasurable and trying a new recipe can help add variety to repetitive meals. 

Check out our recipe collections featuring MSU chefs and health promotion staff members to help spice up your routine!


Please feel free to use these recipes and to share with family and friends. If you share them on-line or publish them in any way, please follow these guidelines:

  1. If you’re adapting someone else’s recipe, begin with a short note of the goal and what you looked for, perhaps something you changed and why. Then give credit to the person who you got it from: "Recipe adapted from ___________" and give a link to the original source.
  2. If you used someone else’s recipe for inspiration, but changed it substantially and the product is somewhat similar to the published recipe, give credit to the original by saying, " This recipe by (me) was inspired by ____________. The original recipe can be found here." and give a link to the original recipe.
  3.  If you change the ingredients substantially or completely came up with the product on your own; and you write directions in your own words for how you prepared it, the recipe is your own and you should claim it.
Eating for well-being

Festive Pomegranate Guacamole

Enjoy this colorful take on guacamole with a splash of tart from the pomegranates.

Eating for well-being

Christmas Tree Spinach Dip Breadsticks

Enjoy this creative spinach dip and breadstick creation this holiday season!

Eating for well-being

Vegetarian Taco Salad

This recipe was demonstrated in the 2022 Well-being Wednesday Series with the Worklife office. This is a nice reacipe to use your fall garden greens.

Sensible Meals

Lunch Salad - 3 Different Ways

Enjoy this light and refreshing summer salad at lunch all week long. Create the base. Then, add the extras each day to enjoy a different variety all week.

Eating for well-being

Vanilla espresso Energy Bites

Make these delicious energy bites and enjoy them as a quick burst of fuel in the morning or afternoon.

Eating for well-being

Monster Cookies

Make these delicious cookies to enjoy with a glass of milk for an after-school snack or dessert with lunch or dinner.

Eating for well-being

Braised Buffalo with Pan Sauce

This buffalo recipe was a part of a program exploring North American Cuisine with a focus on Great Lakes Indigenous Foods. Enjoy this hearty entree along with Beans, Corn & Squash and Wild Rice Pilaf.

Eating for well-being

Corn Cakes with White Bean Spread

Enjoy Chef Rob Trufant's take on corn cakes providing a vessel for white beans and smoked salmon. This recipe comes from a demonstration focused on Great Lakes Indigenous Foods. Enjoys these as an appetizer or as a main dish served with salad.

Eating for well-being

Beans, Corn & Squash

This recipe was used as a second side dish in our Great Lakes Indigenous Foods cooking demonstration. The dish includes 4 simple ingredients and goes a long way! We originally paired it with the Braised Buffalo, but it also makes a great leftover lunch.

Eating for well-being

Wild Rice Pilaf

This side dish was one of two dishes created for our Great Lakes Indigenous Food cooking demonstration. Wild rice has a long history in the Great Lakes region. Enjoy this flavorful yet simple recipe with the Braised Buffalo!

Eating for well-being

Fry Bread with Wojapi

Wojapi is a traditional Native American berry sauce cooked down to a thick jelly or pudding consistency. This sauce is delicious over Fry Bread or a nice dressing over turkey, chicken or pork.

Culinary Cooking and Concepts

Chicken Pot Pie

Enjoy this warm and savory chicken pot pie on a cool day!

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Food and Nutrition Counseling Services

Food and Nutrition Counseling Services provides you with access to accurate health and lifestyle information, helping you to explore new behaviors and skills, and identifying useful campus and community resources.

MSU community members eligible for food and nutrition counseling services include faculty, staff, graduate assistants, retirees and the spouses/partners of members of these groups.

To schedule an appointment with Health4U you are not required to email us from your MSU email address; please email us from the email address you are most comfortable with. 

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Departmental Services

The goal of department based services is to provide work units and colleagues the opportunity to learn about health and wellness as a group activity or exploration.  

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