MSU Moves
Moving for pleasure as well as for health is the key to integrating movement into your everyday life.
Moving for pleasure as well as for health is the key to integrating movement into your every day life. Whether you enjoy moving as an individual activity, engaging in family or group opportunities or do a bit of both, this lifestyle choice is a key factor in enhancing your overall health and well-being.
Recent Articles
Embracing Incidental Activity
Lots of people struggle to find time for exercise, and that's normal. By choosing to embrace the movement demands of our everyday lives, we can become more active and improve overall health.

Embrace the Elements and Get Outside this Winter
With a little planning and a good attitude, you can stay active outside this winter- and actually enjoy it!
Explore MSU Moves
There is so much "out there" about exercise, fitness and movement that it can be challenging to determine what to pay attention to and what to let go. MSU Moves is here to help filter out some of the noise and provide scientifically-based information that you can put to use in your everyday life.
Resources provided here provide you access to information and services the MSU Moves staff believe can best assist your exercise, movement and fitness needs.