Food and Nutrition Resources
Looking for local produce? Want to read more about how to eat taking a mindfulness approach? Or an article to explain nutrition research? Here are additional resources you might find helpful.

Your best bargains for Michigan produce are when they're in season. When is that? This great chart will guide you!

The big 3 tuna canneries sell lots of canned tuna. And their prices are downright cheap. Why pay more?

The winner so far in our "What do you want to learn" survey: Container Gardening! Here's the first of many resources.

The key to nutritional excellence is variety growing out of genuine food enjoyment. ~ Ellyn Satter
Shopping list for menu featured in Holiday Cooking: How to Stress Less and Enjoy More
Masking Form

Missed the seed starting workshop with Denae Friedheim? Not to worry! While it's not like being there, Denae is sharing her handout that has everything you need to know about getting a jump on Spring.

Don't sideline your guests before the game even starts! Foodborne illness is preventable by paying attention to the rules of food safety.