ACT Episode 7: Expansion Strategies

This video offers specific skills and strategies to help you navigate powerful emotions.
Note: The ACT video series is designed for the viewer to watch in sequence, so please start with Episode 1 and work your way through the series. Here are the links to each of the previous videos: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6
ACT Episode 7: Expansion Strategies - This episode further explores the importance of being able to experience and successfully navigate the full range of human emotions. The viewer will be introduced to The Both/And Principle, a concept that is part of the foundation of social justice education. Utilizing the both/and is critical to the development of emotional resilience and psychological flexibility.
This episode also provides some imagery and tips designed to help you honor and release emotions, navigate urges and cravings, and regain your bearings after an upset.
If you are watching these videos and would like to receive notice when a new video is released, please send an email to Lisa Laughman
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