This course will define psychological safety, demonstrate how it is measured, explore how both leadership, faculty, and support staff contribute to or diminish the psychological safety of the team.

Psychological Safety is a vital component of healthy workteam culture. How safe does it feel on your workteam to do the following:

  1. Bring your full self to work – Is your work team a safe place for you particularly in the identity areas where you are not in the dominant cultural group?
  2. Be a learner – How safe does it feel for you to take risks, make mistakes, and bring your innovations to the team? 
  3. Effectively Collaborate – How much support is there for you to work with others in your unit across role/function and to contribute fully on team projects? 
  4. Challenge the Status Quo – how safe does it feel to question leadership, challenge policies and procedures, or use your voice when something seems amiss? 

This course will define psychological safety, demonstrate how it is measured, explore how both leadership, faculty, and support staff contribute to or diminish the psychological safety of the team. Based on the work of Amy Edmundson from the Harvard School of Business this course will highlight how this psychological safety is being talked about and enhanced in fortune 500 companies. The course will provide tips for how you can assess the current level of psychological safety on your team and give suggestions for how you can provide leadership in maintaining or building the psychological safety of your work team. This course will help you see work team health in a whole new light.

You can join the conversation in person, or participate in the group process on-line via Zoom

Lisa Laughman, LMSW, ACSW, Consultant, Emotional Wellness Program

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Food and Nutrition Counseling Services

Food and Nutrition Counseling Services provides you with access to accurate health and lifestyle information, helping you to explore new behaviors and skills, and identifying useful campus and community resources.

MSU community members eligible for food and nutrition counseling services include faculty, staff, graduate assistants, retirees and the spouses/partners of members of these groups.

To schedule an appointment with Health4U you are not required to email us from your MSU email address; please email us from the email address you are most comfortable with. 

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Departmental Services

The goal of department based services is to provide work units and colleagues the opportunity to learn about health and wellness as a group activity or exploration.  

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