Thinking of Quitting?

Ready, Set, Quit?
You’ve probably found yourself here because you’ve been thinking about this for a while now. It’s been needling you maybe for months, or even years. You know that drinking is just something you need to stop doing, whatever the reason.
And, now, you’re ready. Or, at least you’re ready to start to make a plan.
So, the question now is, what kind of support do you need? Since the 1970s, researchers have found time and again that some form of treatment can help many people change persistent and destructive behaviors, avoid relapse, and successfully recover from alcohol dependence. We also know that there is no one approach that works for everyone, and that it is often a long-term process that takes time and commitment. The trouble is that there are so many options out there that sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin, how to ask for help, or even to know what kind of help we even need!
Knowing something about the different kinds of help that is available to you is often a great place to start. This section will help sort out the various kinds of help available, and will hopefully give you some ideas about where you might want to begin with your road to quitting drinking.
Start with these areas:
- Self Help Strategies for Quitting: Maybe you’re not ready for a formal program at this point, and instead just want to try to quit on your own. Check this page out for some things to consider and strategies to try.
- Social Support to Help You Quit: Many people find it easier to quit drinking when they have someone around them that “gets it,” someone who’s been there and understands what it takes to go through the process. Have folks around you providing support, guidance, and accountability can be a very effective way to stop drinking.
- Professional Help: Very often, people cannot quit drinking without the help of professionals such as doctors, counselors, and trained facilitators. These days, there are many different types of treatment available, each dealing with different areas of your life, including physical health, mental health, follow-up options, and learning to live a life without alcohol.
If you have questions about any of the information in this section, please feel free to contact one of the counselors with the Employee Assistance Program. The folks at the EAP are there to help MSU employees sort out the kind of help that they need. To make an appointment, contact the EAP at 517-355-4506, or 888-280-9478, or by email at
Don't Give Up!
Any time we try to change some kind of habit, whether it’s quitting drinking or smoking or just trying to remember to floss every morning, we have to put in a good deal of work before it becomes a normal part of our lives. That means that if you try to quit drinking today, you might not succeed this time.
And, that's ok.... Relapse is a common part of the recovery process. In fact, every time someone relapses, they learn something different about themselves that they will need to know before they can quit for good. Each try brings you just that much closer to your goal.
So, if you’ve tried to quit before, or if you are worried about failing, don’t sweat it. Just try something. If that plan doesn’t work (and you’ve given it a fair shake), try something else as quickly as you can. In the long run, your chances that you’ll succeed are good so long as you keep trying!
To learn more about self-help strategies and what those may look like, please click here.
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