Thinking About Drinking: Tips & Tools
Thinking about making a change?
If you have found yourself here, chances are that you’ve spent at least some time thinking about how much you drink, and wondering what that means. You may have found yourself asking these kinds of questions:
- Do I drink too much?
- How would I even know if I had a problem?
- What is a problem, anyway?
- Why am I even asking myself these questions?? Everyone drinks!
Ultimately, your drinking choices are just that – your choices. No one can make those for you. But, if you're starting to wonder if the amount of drinking that you're doing is a sign of a real problem, it might be a good time to take a look at it to avoid any major problems in the future.
For those of you who have some concerns about your drinking, this section is to help you figure that out. Take a look at these questions:
- Are you a low-risk drinker? You might want to figure out how to maintain that level of drinking in a safe, comfortable way.
- Do you drink too much sometimes, but are thinking about cutting back? Look for some things to consider that will help you decide if cutting down is right for you, and some great tips that can show you how to do it successfully.
- Is your drinking a real problem, so much so that you think that you need to quit? It might be a good time to read about what the different options are for this, things that you might want to think about when making the decision to quit drinking, as well as the different types of help available to you right now.
How “risky” is your drinking, anyway?
If you haven’t already done so, before you read any further we recommend that you look over the previous section Thinking about Drinking to learn about what is generally considered to be low risk and high-risk drinking, and how you can figure out if you might have a problem.
If you feel that you are ready to learn more about making changes in your drinking click here.


Social Support to Help Stop Drinking
Finding help from those around you.

Maintaining Low-Risk Drinking
A few tips to keep you in a healthy range