Emotional Wellness @ Work
Let Health4U bring emotional wellness education to your work team
Are emotionally healthy people higher performing? Do teams that are made up of wise, creative, emotionally grounded people meet their mission and objectives more efficiently and effectively? Is emotional resilience necessary to challenge our work teams to become the best they can be and to consistently deliver excellence?
Research would indicate that the answer to these questions is YES!
What does it mean to be Emotionally Healthy?
Emotionally healthy people are not defined as people who are free of anger, anxiety, depression, fear, and shame. They are defined by how well they accept, make space for, and navigate these difficult emotions. Sometimes referred to as “psychological capital,” emotional health is crucial to the success of our business operations.
Why does this matter for my work team?
Emotional health and psychological capital are not just an individual matter. The interpersonal patterns of your work team have a crucial impact on your team’s functioning. Your team is also impacted by systemic practices at the institutional and cultural level. Creating an emotionally healthy work team requires consideration, skill building, and change at four levels <link> in order to maximize the health of your employees and your work team culture.
Where do we start?
We look forward to talking with you about your work team and helping you identify if emotional wellness-based, work effectiveness training would be right for you. Contact Health4U to schedule an initial consultation
The Basic Building Blocks of Empathy
Empathy is not something we either have or don't have. Empathy is a skill we can develop that can help us show up for other people when they are having a hard time.

Cultivating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
3 ways leaders can create a greater sense of psychological safety in the workplace.

Take Advantage of MSU Mental Health Services on World Mental Health Day!
Today happens to be World Mental Health Day, and it turns out that MSU offers a wide range of accessible programs and services that can help improve your mental health. So, why not take care of yourself and try one today?

Taking Care of You, While Taking Care of Business
Tips for supporting your emotional well-being during stressful times