Articles by Bonnie Seaks

Daily Medications: Friend or Foe?
How do you know when a drug combination is the right one for you?

Healthy Aging
Regardless of your age, you can achieve your personal best when it comes to your health

Health Gone Viral
Are you worried about Zika? Do we really have to worry about flu? Read on for some up-to–date, timely information on viral infections and health.

Are you conFLUzed? My whole family had the vaccine and we all got the flu!

Pointsettias, candycanes, and Aunt Jane: First Aid for the Holidays
First Aid for the Holidays: Not your standard tips

Kratom: Another Part of the Opiate Puzzle
Kratom: Natural, not necessarily nice. Potentially part of the problem.

New Shingles Vaccine
Don't get that shingles vaccine just yet, because a new and improved vaccine for shingles will be available in the next few months!

Belly Breathing for Better Health
Practice Belly breathing to help treat GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).