Emotional Wellness Articles
This section contains a collection of articles about stress reduction, mental fitness, emotional wellness, and healthy relationships across human differences. Here is where you will also find the "Relax. Reflect. Resolve." blog.
ACT Episode 4: Defusion Strategies
This video offers specific diffusion strategies for you to experiment with. Find the ones that are right for you….
ACT Episode 3: Learning to Defuse Your Thinking
This episode explains how we get “fused” with our thinking and how dangerous it can be to take our thinking seriously. Learning how to “defuse” or unhook from your own thinking is an important part of developing your psychological flexibility.
ACT Episode 2: Waking Up the Witness
Episode 2 is focused on "waking up the witness" and increasing your ability to be aware of what you are creating with your psychological gifts and determining if what you are currently creating is lined up with your core values
ACT Episode 1: Introduction
Episode 1 starts you on the journey of increasing your psychological flexibility.
Fostering Empathy in Children
Some thoughts on how to encourage the development of empathy in the children around you
Taking Care of You, While Taking Care of Business
Tips for supporting your emotional well-being during stressful times
Conserving your Emotional Currency
Being mindful of how you spend your emotional energy can help you protect your physical and emotional health.
What Matters Most at the Holidays?
Breaking your rules about how things “have to be done” for the holidays is the best gift you can give yourself and the people you love.
Using Music to Help Us Relax
What kind of music helps you to relax? We really want to know!