An assortment of articles pointing to the health factors associated with alcohol, nicotine, and drug use. The content here is non-judgemental and evidence based, with emphasis on informing the reader about the potential impacts that the use of various substances has on one's health and wellness.

SMART Recovery
Smart Recovery: It may be a good “fit” for you.

Alcoholics Anonymous A.A., it may not be what you think.
The varying formats of A.A. meetings.

Being Aware "Just for Today"
Consider “Just for Today” and behavioral change.

Casual or Problematic Use?
How do you know where the line is between casual and problematic marijuana use?

Free Online Alcohol Screening for Alcohol Awareness Month
It's April, which means it's Alcohol Awareness Month. So, why not give an online screening a shot?

Trying to Quit? Support Can Make ALL the Difference!
Tobacco Cessation Resources on and around Campus

Worried about Someone Else's Drinking?
Do you have someone in your life who you worry might have a problem with alcohol? While you can't make them change, there are still ways that you can be helpful.