
What is "low risk" drinking?
If you’re going to drink and be as safe as you can be, you might want to pay attention to these research based low-risk recommended guidelines. Sometimes, this is referred to as "drinking in moderation."
Starting to Think About Drinking
What counts as "one drink"? All drinks are not created equal.

Clean is the New Healthy
"Eat this not that" summarizes most every diet and food rule. Turns out, that's NOT helpful in learning to eat better. Listen to this podcast by Jennifer Harris, registered dietitian and eating disorder specialist.

Pizza Perfection
Making pizza to your liking takes a little practice. Start with the dough, add sauce and toppings of your choice, and bake to perfection.
Explore the Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2019
Now in its 13th year, the ‘Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends’ is a survey that discusses anticipated trends in the health and fitness market. See what made the list for 2019 and how you can join the movement!

Are meals worth the trouble?
“There is considerable peace and comfort in knowing you are going to be fed.”—Ellyn Satter

It's Winter. Time to Get Out and Go For a Run!
Book Review: Running is My Therapy: Relieve Stress and Anxiety, Fight Depression, Ditch Bad Habits, and Live Happier

Embrace the Elements and Get Outside this Winter
With a little planning and a good attitude, you can stay active outside this winter- and actually enjoy it!

Register for the Blue Cross Winter Warm Up couch-to-5k training program and get moving toward your 2019 fitness goals!
Have fun reaching your health goals in 2019 with this free program offered by MSU Moves, the Playmakers Fitness Foundation, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan