
Strength Training: Lift Your Way to Better Health
If your workout doesn’t include strength training, you’re missing out. Strength training can ward off age-related muscle loss, keep your bones strong, promote mobility and function, and even help combat depression and cognitive decline.

Michigan fresh blueberries are the best you can get from mid-July through mid-September. "Eat blue. Go green."

Avoid the Avoidance Cycle
How to recognize the powerful pull of avoidance so that you can find ways around it.

Grilling 101: Rubs & Marinades
Nothing says summer like cooking outside, which may harken back to our primitive nature. Over the years, we’ve added grills and gadgets but the concepts are the same. Build fire. Put food over it. Cook until done. Enjoy rich smoky flavor.

Join Team MSU for the 2018 Capital City River Run Half Marathon/5K Corporate Challenge, Receive Free Personalized Coaching!
Want to walk or run your first 5k? How about achieving a new PR in the Half-Marathon? Whatever your goal or fitness level, MSU Moves can help you get there!

Take a Hike!
Thinking about ways to get outside, get moving, and improve your health? Lace up those hiking shoes and head for the hills!

Being Aware "Just for Today"
Consider “Just for Today” and behavioral change.

What Happens When We Eliminate Boredom?
Right there in your pocket, you have a device that can entertain your brain any time you want, and you'll never have to feel bored again. But, is there a cost to never being bored?

Diet Talk Carries On
Talking to kids about diet or about may seem like a good idea, and may even be the advice from a reliable source. While well-meaning, encouragement to diet passed along from parent to child can have unintended and lasting consequences.

Fitting in Fitness
With a little planning and a shift in perspective, you may find that improved health is closer than you thought. We make the case for the lunchtime workout